$94.7 million in ARPA funds are impacting Flint lives in positive ways
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), which provided $1.9 trillion of government aid nationwide to combat the public health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Flint was awarded $94.7 million.
ARPA funds must be obligated by Dec. 31, 2024 and spent by Dec. 31, 2026. The City of Flint completed obligation of funds in December 2023 and continues to move forward to implement the spending plan approved by the Flint City Council in October 2022.
ARPA Spending Categories:

Public Health

Economic Development

Housing & Blight Elimination

Public Safety



Administration & Premium Pay
Government Services
Future Spending
Public Health

Flint Rx Kids: Investing in families to improve health outcomes for babies
Flint Rx Kids, allocated $1 million from ARPA Contingency funds, provides every new mom in Flint with $1,500 during mid-pregnancy. After birth, families receive $500 per month for the baby’s first 12 months of life. Flint residents who are pregnant or have a baby born as of Jan. 1, 2024, can sign up at FlintRxKids.com.
Additional Public Health Spending
Economic Development

Buick City Redevelopment
This $3.25 million Economic Development allocation helped prepare the Buick City brownfield site for redevelopment. Ashley Capital is investing $300 million to build 3.5 million sq.ft. of light industrial space, bringing 3,000 good-paying jobs to Flint’s north side.
The first building will be ready for occupancy in Spring 2024.

Oak Business Center
As part of a plan to reactivate the Oak Business Center as a business incubator space, $651,200 has been allocated to repair the facility’s roof.
Housing, Blight Elimination & Neighborhood Stabilization

Home Repair & Homeowner Education
$4.15 million in funds are allocated to address affordable housing needs through aiding these community organizations in providing home repair services to Flint residents.
- Habitat for Humanity: $1,550,000
- Metro Community Development: $1,550,000
- GCCARD: $850,000
- Disability Network Home Accessibility Modifications: $250,000
- Court Street Village Paint Project: $225,000
- Court Street Village Roof Replacement: $200,000
- Homeowner Education: $50,000

Neighborhood Improvement: Demolishing vacant, hazardous structures for a safer Flint
The City of Flint Blight Office has increased cleanup of blight violations and illegal dumping sites citywide thanks to $1 million in new equipment.
A $16 million allocation to the Genesee County Land Bank has been leveraged into over $40 million to demolish up to 1,900 vacant and hazardous structures in Flint neighborhoods. Demolition began in April 2023 and continues in every city ward, improving safety and quality of life for Flint families. Take a look at the demolition list and schedule: www.thelandbank.org/demofunding.asp

Gap Financing for Affordable Housing Development
We’re tackling the affordable housing shortage in Flint by supporting the development of new residential units:
- Clark Commons $2,000,000
- Catholic Charities Sacred Heart Village Tiny Homes for Veterans $400,000
- Communities First The Grand on University $125,000
- Habitat for Humanity Sylvan Court Almost Home $150,000
- Latinx Early Childhood Center $150,000
- YMCA LiveWell on Harrison $200,000
- McFarlan Villages $250,000
- Safe & Just Michigan Nation Outside Housing Program $25,000
- Metro Community Development $50,000
- Communities First Oak Street Senior Apartments $50,000
Additional Housing, Blight Elimination & Neighborhood Stabilization Funding

Projects In Progress / Completed:
- Miller Road Water Main $2,203,634.27
- Sidewalk Assessment $111,000
- Dump Truck $150,000
- Loader (Macqueen) $196,579
Public Safety

Public Safety Improvements
Since 2021, Flint’s homicide rate has dropped by 40%, thanks to public safety initiatives and tools. Youth violence prevention, attracting and retaining officers, and neighborhood traffic interventions are all helping make Flint a safer place.
Public Safety Funding
Administration & Premium Pay

Administrative Funding: Up to $2,035,030
In 2021, the City of Flint was allocated $94.7 million from the federal government. These funds must be obligated by Dec. 31, 2024 and expended by Dec. 31, 2026.
The City of Flint hired Ernst & Young, one of the top four accounting firms in the United States to ensure compliance with federal regulations. The City of Flint continues to move through the process to implement the planned programs and activities.

Premium Pay for Essential Workers: $2,788,800
Essential workers received premium pay for working during the COVID–19 public health emergency.
Contingency Funding

Reserved & Pending Funding
Reserved Funding
Contingency funds were reserved to meet emergent community needs that were not identified in the Oct. 2022 ARPA spending plan:
- City Hall Building Repairs: $500,000
- Police Cameras: $336,484.53
- Matching funds for 2018 Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Program Grant: $578,107.90
- Berston Field House renovation additional matching funds: $1,000,000
- Rx Kids: $1,000,000
- Disparities in Cancer Screening: $50,000
- GovernmentJobs.com: $114,139.77
Pending Funding
An additional $700,818.53 is allocated for Contingency spending to address emergent community needs.
Government Services

Rennovation Funds
The Flint City approved $325,321.33 funds for renovation of the Council Chambers.
What’s Next?
Community Grants Pending
Projects pending city council approval:
City Internal Projects Pending
Projects pending city council approval: