The call for applications will be open through July 15, 2024
With 84 percent of youth around the world reporting that they are worried climate change threatens people and the planet, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley has announced that Flint will join Bloomberg Philanthropies’ new Youth Climate Action Fund.
As part of this program, Flint will receive $50,000 to distribute as microgrants to youth-led climate projects. Flint youth are invited to apply for funding for projects that will advance critical community goals such as such as climate resilient infrastructure planning, flood mitigation and prevention, increasing participation in recycling, and access to sustainable modes of transportation.
Cities that respond to the urgency of the moment and commit the initial $50,000 within six months will receive an additional $100,000 to support more youth-driven projects over the course of one year.
Youth and organizations with programming focused on youth ages 15-24 years are encouraged to apply for the Youth Climate Action Fund, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies. The call for applications will be open through July 15, 2024.
Who Can Apply?
Youth ages 15-24 in collaboration with local groups, organizations, nonprofits, and schools are encouraged to apply. Please note this is a grant with expenditure responsibilities for compliance. The receiving entity for the project or initiative must be able to provide evidence of legal status (for-profit, nonprofits, private foundations, new organizations with pending public charity status); current financial statements, annual report or organizational summary, list of leadership, evidence of receiving grants in the past. Please see the compliance attachment below for more information.
If you have a youth-led project idea but do not have the current ability to comply with expenditure responsibilities, please apply and indicate you would need a community group sponsor.
July 15, 2024: Applications Close
July-August 2024: Funds Distributed
Expenditures April 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 are eligible for the grant.
October 2024: Initial Reporting Due
January 2025: Final Reporting Due
Eligible projects and efforts could include, but are not limited to:
- Youth-led awareness, education, research, and development initiatives, including: youth-led climate education programs; youth climate hackathons; youth-developed climate surveys and research; youth-informed clubs or curriculum; and youth-designed public art and awareness campaigns.
- Youth-driven climate mitigation and adaptation projects, including: youth-led community gardening, tree planting, reforestation, and urban farming campaigns; youth-managed recycling and waste reduction programs; and youth-produced climate resilience workshops and disaster preparedness programs.
- Co-governed youth climate action plans, including: partnerships between city leaders and youth groups to inform climate-related policy ideas, decisions, or actions or the formation of youth climate ambassadors or advisory boards.
- Services covered by existing city initiatives
- Rent or Utilities
- Nonprofit/NGO incorporation fees
- Speaker honorariums
- Improvement projects that primarily serve churches and/or other religious organizations
- Scholarships or other direct support to individuals or families
- Partisan political organizations, political candidates, fundraisers, or projects
- Capital campaigns, endowments, or endowed chairs
- Events or fundraisers not related to youth climate action