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Mayor's Office

Licensing Division

Licenses are required to protect the consumer from fraudulent, incompetent, unsafe, unhealthy and immoral products and/or practices.

License Regulations

Why businesses are licensed?
The Home Rules Cities Act is part of the State Law that regulates cities. Section 117.41 of this law states that a City may regulate trade, occupations and amusements for the health, morals and welfare of the citizens. The Flint City Charter, Section 8-101 regulatory power states that “The City may, as provided by law, exercise its Police power over any trade, occupation, amusement, business or other activity within the City to regulate, provide, or prohibit except as authorized by permit, license or franchise.”

Who is required to get a business license?
Any person engaging initially in the sale of goods, wares or merchandise and who, for the purpose of conducting such business, occupies a whole or part of a room, building, structure or vacant property for the exhibition and sale of such goods must be licensed.

How is a license application made?
An applicant for a business license must come in person to the Licensing Division of the Flint City Clerk’s Office and make the initial application. Subsequent renewals can be made by mail for certain categories; others require that the applicant reapply in person. Depending on the type(s) of business activity, you may need to apply for licenses in one or more of the other Licensing Categories. Identification is required to make application.

What does a business license cost?
License fees are set by an enacted ordinance and vary according to the category and type of license and according to whether it is a new application or a renewal. (See Fee Schedule). All licenses are annual licenses and shall be renewed each year. Contact the Licensing Division at 810-766-7416 for more information.

How often must application be made?
All licenses are annual licenses and must be renewed each year. The license years are January 1st through December 31st and May 1st – April 30th of the following year.

How are businesses monitored to insure compliance?
The Licensing Division has a staff of License Investigators who investigate reported complaints about any aspect of the operation of any business located in Flint. Any question or complaint about a business or service operating in the City of Flint will be immediately investigated.

Business Licensing
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.