Divisions of the Department of Finance
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) oversees and directs all aspects of the City’s finances, including preparation and administration of the City’s Strategic Plan and Budget, preparation of financial reports, and oversight of accounting payroll, grant reporting, and purchasing. The Director supervises the directors of Treasury, Information Technology, Purchasing, Assessing, and Fleet Management, and advises the City Administrator, Mayor, and City Council on all financial matters.
The Assessment Division is responsible for maintaining the property records of the City. This includes establishing and maintaining assessed values of real and personal property.
Fleet Management
The Fleet Management Division oversees the specification, purchase, repair, maintenance and replacement of all city owned vehicles and wheeled equipment.
Finance Division
The Finance Division provides Accounting, Accounts Payable, Budgeting, Payroll, Purchasing, Grant Reporting, and Risk Management services. The Division prepares the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the City’s Budget Documents.
Information Technology Services
The Information Technology Services Division oversees the design, purchase, implementation, and operation of the City’s technology infrastructure, provides professional and technical advice to departments in utilization of technology, and identifies and provides technology related training.
Treasury-Customer Service Center
The Treasury Division is responsible for the collection of revenues, including real property taxes, personal property taxes, license and permit fees and other fees for City services.
The Purchasing Department is the office responsible for the acquisition of goods and services for the City of Flint.
Income Tax Division
The Income Tax Division is responsible for administering the City’s Income Tax. Services provided by this division include collection of income tax, payment plans and enforcement of the Income Tax ordinances.
Additional Information
To view and download a list of CAFR reports, budget reports, ARPA Reporting, Financial Reports, & Retirement Board meeting minutes, click below.
Payment Information
To view the master fee schedule or learn how to set up recurring payments, click below.

Vendor Information
The Purchasing Department maintains a “Vendor List” for products and services procured for the City of Flint. If you wish to participate, you can fill out a Vendor’s Application on-line, or you can request this application by writing.
Please fill out our Vendor Application and the W-9 form completely, including the codes to which your services apply.
Once received, the City of Flint will make every possible effort to assure your organization is contacted in the event of a bid solicitation pertaining to your product or service (when needed by the City). No guarantee or warranty is made that you will be included in the mailing or faxing of bids.