Please note that you must be home for our crews to work on your water service line.
If you completed a consent form prior to March 15, 2019, and your service line has not yet been checked, you must submit another consent form.

Important information about your service line replacement
Your water will be shut off for a period of 4 to 24 hours while the line is being replaced. The contractor will make every effort to have your water restored the same day that installation begins. Please maintain a clear path to the water meter and clear material away from the water meter so work crews can run the replacement pipe to it.
The contractor will flush the water in your home for 15 minutes after the pipe is replaced to remove any residue or sediment from the water line. You should flush your pipes a second time for at least 15 minutes at the highest flow rate once the contractor has left. This additional water usage should add less than 10 cents to your water bill.

Service Line Replacement Process
You will also be provided with a water filter and/or filter replacement cartridges if you do not already have them. Please continue to use your water filters for at least 6 months after service line replacement.
All turf areas disturbed will be seeded and mulched as soon as practicable. Pavement areas disturbed will be replaced with similar pavement surfaces. The city will not be responsible for any damage to trees or landscaping affected by the replacement of the service line.

Submit your consent form now
The City of Flint is in the final stage of the pipe replacement program. We need your help to ensure we get the lead out of the City of Flint.
This work is so important. We must at now to protect you and your family as well as future generations.
Please participate.
We have temporarily extended the deadline to opt into the service line replacement program. Please immediately submit consent forms. We will check your water service lines, replace them if they are not safe, and make any needed repairs to your yard or sidewalk at no cost to you.
You must be home for us to perform this work. Please contact us at 810-410-1133 to set up an appointment.