Mayor's Office

Mayor Sheldon Neeley calls special City Council meeting to get important city business completed

FLINT, Michigan–As allowed in the Flint City Charter, Mayor Sheldon Neeley has called a special meeting of the Flint City Council for 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 17, 2020, in the Flint City Council Chambers. The meeting has been called so that the Council can complete necessary city business.\

The purpose of the meeting is for City Council to consider 11 items that previously were on its Feb. 10, 2020, meeting agenda. That meeting lasted until after 11 p.m., but ended before City Council members voted on those agenda items.

“It is critically important that city business be completed in a timely manner,” Mayor Neeley said. “This meeting is an opportunity for City Council to catch up and finish the work of the previous meeting so that city business does not fall further behind.”

Section 3-202 of the Flint City Charter states: The Mayor or any two (2) members of the City Council may call a special meeting of the City Council upon twenty-four (24) hours notice to each City Council member and the public stating the purpose of the meeting.

Some of the agenda items have been held over for multiple meetings.

The Bray Road Project (200001) was on the City Council agendas Jan. 13, Jan. 27, and Feb. 10. However, the meetings ended because of a lack of quorum before the agenda item was discussed at each of those regular City Council meetings. This item authorizes funding for environmental assessments of groundwater at the Bray Road Dump site, where elevated levels of cyanide and mercury were found.

It also is urgent that the City Council consider the recreational marijuana ordinance. Unless City Council passes the ordinance by the end of February, marijuana facilities will be able to locate near schools, parks, neighborhoods, or places of worship at the end of February.

The special meeting notice was posted at 5:15 p.m. on Feb. 12, 2020.
