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Mayor's Office

City of Flint announces coordinated 2020 Census effort

Flint, Michigan — Mayor Sheldon Neeley today (Jan. 24, 2020) announced a coordinated effort in the City of Flint to expand awareness of the 2020 Census and to lead efforts to increase resident participation. 

Flanked by members of the newly appointed Mayoral Complete Count Committee, Mayor Neeley highlighted the importance of participating in the 2020 Census. The Census determines how $675 BILLION in federal dollars is distributed nationwide EVERY YEAR for the next 10 years. That equates to $1,800 per person per year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

“These are dollars that fund Head Start, road repairs, Medicaid, healthy school lunches and so much more. We need the whole community to come together to make sure we get our fair share,” Mayor Neeley said.

The Mayoral Complete Count Committee will work to strategically coordinate the City of Flint’s efforts, develop outreach initiatives and provide information to residents. It includes what Mayor Neeley described as a “bouquet of humanity” with representatives from schools, non-English speaking populations, neighborhood groups, and the media.

In 2010, the U.S. Census reported that 79.1 percent of Flint residents participated. This year, the federal agency expects Flint will be increasingly difficult to count and has predicted participation will decline to 74.1 percent.

County Commissioner Bryant Nolden is serving as chair of the Mayoral Complete Count Committee. Nolden noted that although the 2020 Census will be conducted online for the first time, residents also have the option of participating by phone or by mail.

He also noted that additional members of the Mayoral Complete Count Committee are welcome.

“This is a community effort. Let’s work together to get everyone counted,” Nolden said.

The Mayoral Complete Count Committee is working in partnership with the Community Foundation of Greater Flint, which is serving as a hub for local nonprofit organizations to support 2020 Census efforts.

“We are thrilled that the City of Flint has taken the leadership role on Census 2020 outreach efforts,” said Sue Peters, vice president for community impact at the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.

With support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Ruth Mott Foundation, and the Michigan Nonprofit Association, the Community Foundation has distributed $303,000 to local nonprofits representing hard to reach communities in Genesee County to help promote the 2020 Census.

The City of Flint’s Census efforts are being headed by DuVarl Murdock, deputy chief of staff, and Anthony Turner, a retired partnership specialist for the U.S. Department of Commerce Census Bureau who is serving as the city’s 2020 Census coordinator.

The Mayoral Complete Count Committee also includes multiple subcommittees that will head up specialized outreach. For more information or to be a part of the Mayoral Complete Count Committee, email [email protected].

Please see below for a list of confirmed participating members of the Mayoral Complete Count Committee.

For additional information on 2020 Census, visit www.michigan.gov/census2020/ 

City of Flint Mayoral Complete Count Committee 

As of Friday, Jan. 24, 2020. Additional members are welcome. Email [email protected]

Flint’s 2020 Census coordinator Anthony Turner notes Census jobs still are available in the Flint area. For more information, visit 2020census.gov/jobs


  • Chair: Bryant Nolden, Genesee County Board of Commissioners and Berston Field House
  • Durvall Murdock, City of Flint
  • Anthony Turner, Flint 2020 Census Coordinator


  • State Sen. Jim Ananich
  • Yaushica Aubert, Valley Area Agency on the Aging
  • Devin Boulos Bathish, Arab American  Heritage Council
  • Ed Benning, MTA
  • Ashley Everhart, Flint Neighborhood Engagement Hub
  • Pastor Reginald Flynn, Foss Avenue Baptist Church
  • Jamie Gaskin, United Way
  • Pastor Gibbs, Church of God in Christ Alliance
  • Lisa Hagel, Genesee Intermediate School District
  • Sharon Hall, Faith in Action
  • Ariana Hawk, Color of Change
  • Patrick Hayes, Food Bank of Eastern Michigan
  • Jiquanda Johnson, Flint Beat
  • Jody Kerbyson, Michigan Works GST
  • Carma Lewis, office of Congressman Kildee
  • Derrick Jones Lopez, Flint Schools
  • Jim Milanowski, Genesee Health Plan
  • Gerry Myers, Crim Fitness Foundation
  • Paula Nas, University of Michigan-Flint
  • Cynthia Neeley
  • Sue Peters, Community Foundation of Greater Flint
  • Matthew A. Purcell, GCCARD
  • Maryum Rasool, Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village
  • Marjory Raymer, City of Flint
  • Elaine Redd, Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce
  • Geraldine Richmond, Flint Housing Commission
  • Troy Rosencrants, University of Michigan-Flint
  • Aurora Sauceda, Latinos United for Flint
  • Dr. Jawad Ali Shah
  • Shelly Sparks, Flint Development Center
  • Boyd Staszewski, Changing Productions
  • Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools
  • Asa Zuccaro, Latinx